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Newburyport Dog Portrait Photography ~ Last Hope K9 NH Event

Happy Cinco De Mayo! Before you head out to indulge in copious amounts of tacos and tequila, we’ve got some work to do here first, Amigos. All of the dogs I photographed on Saturday up in Portsmouth, NH at Canine Cupboard are still up for adoption. It was Newburyport ArtWalk weekend so I had to get in and out quickly to get back to the studio. So I didn’t have as much time as I’d like with them but we still got some nice Portraits that I think aptly capture their personalities. First up is Prince Charming who totally lives up to his name. His awesome foster Mom drove him up all the way from JP to meet his potential forever family. His notes say possibly better with bigger kids just because he’s rambunctious but he was great with the sweet girls who were playing with him all morning (see photos!) at the bakery. Here’s his official stats: he’s a one year old Hound Mix about 50lbs. He’s good with other dogs, crate trained and working on his potty skills. This one is a keeper. Beautiful markings, so soft and just an all round sweet dog.

Hound Mix Rescue DogHound Mix Rescue DogHound Mix Rescue DogHound Mix Rescue Dog with FosterHound Mix Rescue DogHound Mix Rescue DogHound Mix Rescue Dog

Next meet George from the Seinfeld litter. Unlike Jerry’s sidekick, this George is a lovable little Terrier/Curr Mix whose eight months old and weighs 25lbs. You honestly would not know he’s so young. He clearly is an old soul. Just so sweet and chill. I love the shots of him in the store with his little flipped up ear. He’s going to make a great addition to his new home when they find him!

Terrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitTerrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitTerrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitTerrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitTerrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitTerrier Mix Rescue Dog Portrait

Last is Tippee Too whose perfectly named. He’s a Terrier Mix too and is two years old weighing in at 22 lbs. Lots of energy and curiosity and since he was my last model up and I was running out of time, the poor guy didn’t get as much KLP love as he should have. I do have a couple cute shots of he and George chilling together in the bakery. And I’ve also ended with a shot of the delicious (I’m assuming if you’re a canine) treats they have at the bakery. Quick shout out too to Bill, owner of Canine Cupboard, for hosting these rescue events!

Terrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitTerrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitLHK9 Volunteer Kate with DogTerrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitTerrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitTerrier Rescue Dogs PlayingTerrier Mix Rescue Dog PortraitsLittle girl at dog adoption eventDog Treats at Canine Cupboard

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” ~ Roger Caras

To learn more about these three highlighted here or see all the dogs up for adoption, check out the LHK9 Website and Facebook page. You can follow them on Twitter and Instagram too!

Please “Share” and/or “Like” if you do. The more exposure for these pups the better.

©Kerry Hook of Kiki Larouge Photography. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Play nice.

Timeline 5/5/15

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