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Newburyport High School Senior Photographer ~ Mark at Plum Island

Summer may be officially over but KLP Senior and Family Portrait Sessions are in full swing. We had such a great shoot out at Plum Island with Mark and his Dad last week. Here’s a few highlights as I now switch gears to getting ready for my West Coast families later this week in Seattle. Updates along the way on Instagram and Facebook. Attention procrastinating Seniors on both coasts who haven’t booked your session yet, get on it. Fall deadlines approaching and only a few slots available!

Newburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy Portrait

Senior Boy Portrait Plum Island

Newburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy PortraitNewburyport High School Senior Boy Portrait

With a simple piece of paper taped on the wall, we can calibrate the walls in your home to show exactly how the portraits will look. Here’s the Canvas Cluster we designed at their Viewing Session. The plan is to add to it over the years with future Family Sessions and as the younger kids have their own Senior Portraits done. Love.

Newburyport High School Senior Boy Portrait

Behind the Scenes with these two. So many laughs.

Dad assisting on son's Senior Portrait Shoot Plum Island

#familyheirlooms #classof2017 #newburyport

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©Kerry Hook of Kiki Larouge Photography. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Timeline 9/5/16

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