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Newburyport Senior Portrait Photographer ~ Helen + Star in West Newbury

Almost December and still busy photographing all those procrastinating High School Seniors. These have been some of my favorite sessions this year. I’ve met and photographed some pretty amazing kids in the Class of 2016. This blog highlights a recent photo shoot with Helen who is a Senior at Newburyport High and rides horses out at a picturesque farm in West Newbury. To say that she was a natural and the camera absolutely loved her would be an understatement at best. Just stunning. I’ve also included a few outtakes from the horses here too as they were hilariously nosey following us around the property to see what we were up to including Star who was so curious about the reflector. And then as we wrapped up cute little Curtis – a four month old adorable puppy  – came onto the scene to steal the show. Here’s some highlights from the brisk Fall day out in West Newbury.

“From my point of view, which is that of a storyteller, I see your life as something artful, waiting, just waiting and ready for you to make it art.” ~ Toni Morrison

High School Girl Senior Portrait

High School Senior Portrait

High School Girl Senior PortraitHigh School Girl Senior PortraitHigh School Girl Senior PortraitHigh School Girl Senior PortraitHigh School Girl Senior PortraitHorse sticking it's tough outHorses on farm looking at cameraGirl riding horse through a meadowHorse and girl at sunsetGirl riding a horseHorse and girl at sunsetHorse looking at a reflectorHorse and girl at sunsetHorse and girl at sunsetPuppy on a horse farm

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©Kerry Hook of Kiki Larouge Photography. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Play nice.

Timeline 11/24/15

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