As the storm subsided and the streets cleared today, I headed out for my daily dose of Dunks with camera in hand. To say it’s bitter cold here in the North East would be an understatement but with high tides in full force I thought I’d take a drive up Route 127 and check out West and Singing Beaches. Was surprised to see a few surfers out at the former and could not imagine those wet suits could be doing all that much good in the sub zero freezing temps. Meteorologists repeatedly warned to not spend more than 20-30 minutes at a time out in the perilous elements as frostbite could occur. And that’s if your dry. That’s some serious dedication with a splash of crazy mixed in.
While Singing Beach had no surfers, it did offer spectacular waves and views. Hoping the skies remain clear for the next few days and eager to fly out on Wednesday to South America for six weeks. In the meantime, here’s a few images right from my own (temporary) backyard.
Become a fan of Kiki Larouge Photography, follow on Instagram and/or check back to the KLP Blog to view current works, events and adventures. Next up: Buenos Aires.
“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” ~ Jack London
©Kerry Hook of Kiki Larouge Photography. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
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