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Boston Pet Photographer ~ LHK9 Dog Adoption Event in Portsmouth, NH

Three blogs in a row with rescue dogs. Winter shooting schedule means mostly weekday Commercial and Studio sessions so we have a bit of time on the weekends to devote to helping out our favorite Boston Dog Rescue Last Hope K9. This past weekend I was excited to be back up in Portsmouth to say hello to our friend, Bill, owner of Canine Cupboard who regularly host these adoption events. No assistant this weekend so I had my hands full with three dogs and three puppies and, at last count, I believe four of these little four legged loves had strong interest and/or deposits. I am starting the blog off with one who is still looking for his furever home. Skippy is about ten years old and a lab mix. His story is a sad one. His owner was evicted and left him and his sibling, Shadow, at a kill shelter in the South. Thankfully, the owner’s neighbor went back down to this shelter, got the dogs out and brought them to a LHK9 affiliate who was able to get them up North. Skippy is clearly a Senior dog and needs a new home that will shower him with much deserved unconditional love in his golden years. As you can see from his portraits here, he is a sweet, kind and photogenic gentleman. I took as many portraits of him as possible in the hopes that someone will see just what a catch he is!

Next up is shy but lovable little Otter who is a one year old Feist mix weighing about 20lbs. Love the photograph I caught of him in a wink. He’s seen here in the last shot with his foster Dad, Wes, whom he clearly adores.

Surprisingly, Aquata – from the Little Mermaid litter – was still available by the end of the event although I imagine she is going to be home soon. She is listed as a Pit Mix about five months old but there must be some Shar Pei in her lineage somewhere?! That adorable little scrunchy face is really too much to stand. And the puppy smell. So adorable.

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Now this little puppy, Bonaduce, gave me a run for my money. So much energy. It’s always challenging to get portraits truly representative of each dog in such a short time and also while they are in the middle of such a crazy event with so much stimulation. His outdoor session didn’t go well portrait-wise (although he did have a blast in the snow!) but I managed to get some nice images of him back in the store including the ones at the end with his new Mom and Dad. He’s already gone home with them so wishing them all the best!

If you follow LHK9 or this blog you may notice Gideon whom I photographed recently at the Mystic Brewery event. While his pending adoption from that event fell through due to home insurance restrictions, he got scooped up almost immediately again this weekend. Not going to lie. Totally jealous. I love this guy.


Finally is Gertrude who also got adopted (Yay!) and here’s my favorite photograph of her from the day. (Insert my squeak noise here.)

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Thank you to Bill – photographed here with Aquata – for hosting the event and helping to get all these dogs in to good homes. And to all the volunteers at LHK9 who continue to amaze me with their dedication to every single dog. I look forward to their Happy Tails Tuesdays posts every week showing all the dogs who got placed and their new families. It’s remarkable really. And there are so many ways to help from donating and fostering to helping transport dogs and handling at the events. To learn more check out their website here.

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Timeline 2/10/16



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