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FACES Project ~ Celebrating the 30th LGBT Boston Film Festival

Thirty years. It’s hard to believe really but it’s even more appreciated when you hear George Mansour’s, founder of the Boston’s LGBT Film Festival, stories of how it all came about. He and fourteen others came to our South End set earlier this month to be apart of the FACES Project to share their stories, thoughts and experiences about what it means to be LGBT in 2014. The talented crew from Camerata interviewed and videoed each one and then I captured their individual Portraits. All were debuted this past Thursday, April 3rd at the Festival’s Opening Night at the ICA on Boston’s Waterfront and the FACES trailer and slideshow will be running at the film screenings as well. I am honored to be a part of something so moving and creative. It was an emotional day for sure – everyone sharing such raw emotions and articulating their beautiful stories as well as hopes for the future. All talked about how far the fight for equality has come. And one spoke to the issues on a global scene too. I am thankful to live in the state the was the first legalize gay marriage and where we walk the streets of a city that embraces, values and loves the gay community. Be sure to check out the films that will be running now through April 12th (at the ICA, MFA, Brattle, Paramount + Fenway!) And of course don’t miss the FACES trailer and slideshow highlighting the diverse and talented members of the Greater Boston LGBT Community too. Here’s to you!

“The important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself.” ~ Gore Vidal

Alicia Agnoli • Primary Care Physician 

Scott Kearnan • Writer + Editor

Sandra Musique • The Boston Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

Alice Fisher • Community Activist + Co-Founder of Old Lesbians Organizing for Change

Dillian DiGiovanni • Health Coach + Speaker

Amit Dixit • Founder + Executive Director of the South Asian Arts Council

John Lam • Boston Ballet Soloist

Grace Vroom • The Welcoming Committee Corps Member

Michael Gaucher • Legendary Boston Bartender + Retired Fresh Fruit Drag Queen

Emily Savard • Personal Trainer

Michael Dowling • Founder of Medicine Wheel Productions

Joseph Jackson • Retired Boston Public Schools Teacher

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Phil Robinson • Boston Public Schools Guidance Counselor

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George Mansour • Founder of the Boston LGBT Film Festival + Guns of Steel 

On Location:

FACES PROJECT Visionary and Executive Producer David Isaacson

Camerata Crew: James, Jeannie + Audrey

Volunteer Production Assistants: Vicki, Joe + Allen

Boston’s LGBT Film Festival Director James Nadeau and Founder George Mansour enjoying celebratory bubbles at the end of a long day!

“Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.” 

~ Ingmar Berman

Check out Camerata’s Trailer here

See you at the movies!


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©Kerry Hook of Kiki Larouge Photography. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Timeline 4/5/14



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