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Head Shots for Actors and Models ~ Boston Head Shot Photographer

This is Mary. Mary is an aspiring actor and came to the Newburyport studio recently for her Head Shots for her resumé and portfolio.  The classic Head Shot required by talent agencies is an 8X10 color print but we included a few additional shots and versions from the shoot as we just couldn’t help ourselves. The camera loved her and so did we. For more information about Head Shots for actors, click the link below.

Teenager Head Shot Boston Actors

Teenager Actor Head Shot Boston

Black and white Head Shot teenager Teenage girl Head Shot Boston

Teenager Head Shot for Boston Casting

Portrait of Teenage girl in sweaterPortrait of Teenage girl in sweater

KLP offers Professional 8X10 Personalized Head Shot Prints for Actors (sans the KLP lotus logo of course!)

Teenage Girl Head Shot BostonFor more tips on Head Shots for Actors, click here.

Makeup by Grace of GraceMarie Beauty

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©Kerry Hook of Kiki Larouge Photography. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Timeline 4/4/16

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