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Newburyport Photographer ~ The New Normal Project: Lindsay and her Nana

When I saw my friend Lindsay’s recent post about going to visit her Nana at her Assisted Living facility and sitting outside chatting on phones through the window, I knew that I wanted to capture their visits in this new normal. I reached out to her and not only did she love the idea but also told me that April 23rd was her 91st birthday. Perfect timing. After spending eight hours yesterday making her Nana her favorite rum cake (with multiple failed attempts), she delivered it to her with a birthday card today. The rest of the family who are local will be “visiting” today too. Word is she even got dolled up for her bday shoot today too which warmed my heart. Happy 91st Dolores! Thanks for letting me crash your party. You made my day. <3

Note: I’m very careful with this project and am limiting my time out shooting. I plan it around essential errands and always photograph safely outside and with a mask on. With my roots in street photography and photo journalism, I do feel that it’s important to document our new reality. If you have a special socially distanced and responsible event coming up and live in the North Shore or Boston area, email me at


©Kiki Larouge Photography. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Happy Birthday to Shakespeare today too!

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” – William Shakespeare

Timeline 4/23/20 


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