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Kamala Harris Town Hall Portsmouth NH

It was a snowy February afternoon in New England but despite the weather and slippery roads, I headed up to Portsmouth to Senator Kamala Harris’s Town Hall at South Church. Scheduled for a 4PM start time I thought my 3:20PM arrival would mean I was there in plenty of time and hopefully even secure good seating. Wrong. The line wrapped around the entire block as everyone waited in snow and cold to get inside. I was the lucky last person to make it into the church (my friends were diverted to the basement where monitors were set up but thankfully she made an appearance there too!) and have read that over 500 people were turned away. Pretty remarkable considering the conditions and that it’s only Feb 2019. No matter what your “politics”, it’s hard not to like Senator Harris. She is authentic and direct. And that sincere smile could light up even the darkest of rooms on a stormy day. Here’s a few highlights from the event and one last image of the beautiful snowy alley where my friends and I ended the evening with tapas and wine at the always wonderful Cava.

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©Kiki Larouge Photography. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Timeline 2/19/19

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